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/ NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall / NeXT Education Software Sampler 1992 Fall.iso / Demos / DE_VarioData / VarioBuilder.app / English / VarioBuilder.nib (.txt) < prev    next >
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1992-08-02  |  15KB  |  440 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. StreamTable
  3.     HashTable
  4. Object
  5. [20c]
  6. typedstream
  7. [2130c]
  8. typedstream
  9.     HashTable
  10. Object
  11. Controller
  12. HeaderClass
  13. %%%%i@@
  14. /usr/include/dpsclient/event.h
  15. genericobject_nib
  16. vDate
  17. vTextField
  18. toolPalette
  19. vTitle
  20. vNumber
  21. FirstResponder
  22. firstnib
  23. group:
  24. arrangeInFront:
  25. hide:
  26. pasteFont:
  27. sendToBack:
  28. newWorkbench:
  29. showGuessPanel:
  30. save:
  31. performMiniaturize:
  32. revertToSave:
  33. showPalette:
  34. saveAs:
  35. copy:
  36. showInspector:
  37. saveAll:
  38. bringToFront:
  39. createDatabase:
  40.     showGrid:
  41. delete:
  42. copyRuler:
  43. setBuildOn:
  44. sizeToGrid:
  45. underline:
  46. alignSelLeft:
  47. close:
  48. alignSelCenter:
  49. toggleRuler:
  50.     unscript:
  51. showGridPanel:
  52. pasteRuler:
  53. openDatabase:
  54. alignToGrid:
  55. setGridOn:
  56. orderFrontColorPanel:
  57. printWindow:
  58. showHideMenus:
  59.     copyFont:
  60. runPageLayout:
  61. subscript:
  62. selectAll:
  63. unlock:
  64. alignSelRight:
  65. lock:
  66. terminate:
  67. performClose:
  68. openWorkbench:
  69. paste:
  70. checkSpelling:
  71. unselectAll:
  72. ungroup:
  73. changeDatabase:
  74. superscript:
  75. WorkView
  76. viewnib
  77. WorkWindow
  78. Window
  79.     windownib
  80. VarioBuilder
  81. Application
  82. /usr/include/sys/signal.h
  83. appnib
  84.     calculate
  85. accessTextField
  86.     infoPanel
  87.     gridPanel
  88.     inspector
  89. preferences
  90. changeDBPanel
  91.     helpPanel
  92.     stringSet
  93. dragController
  94. savePanelAccessory
  95. palette
  96. showPreferences:
  97. pressChangeDBOK:
  98. pressChangeDBCancel:
  99. saveAsWorkbench:
  100. appDidInit:
  101. appWillTerminate:
  102. saveWorkbench:
  103. showInfoPanel:
  104. setUserRights:
  105. showHelpPanel:
  106. ElementView
  107. /usr/include/sys/message.h
  108. element
  109. PaletteView
  110. image
  111.     GridPanel
  112. xSpacingField
  113. ySpacingSlider
  114. workView
  115. ySpacingField
  116. window
  117. xSpacingSlider
  118. setGrid:
  119. cancel:
  120. noGrid:
  121. changeYspacing:
  122. changeXspacing:
  123. GridView
  124. [12355c]
  125. typedstream
  126.     HashTable
  127. Object
  128. NibData
  129. @@@@s
  130. Storage
  131. {*@@}
  132. [104{*@@}]
  133. File's Owner
  134. CustomObject
  135. VarioBuilder
  136. MainMenu
  137. MenuTemplate
  138. *@*@ccc
  139. Matrix
  140. Control
  141.     Responder
  142. @:@iiii
  143. MenuCell
  144. ButtonCell
  145. ActionCell
  146.     Helvetica
  147. Info Panel...
  148. Preferences...
  149. Help...
  150. ff@@#::s
  151. submenuAction:
  152. Bitmap
  153.     menuArrow
  154. Database
  155. [10@]
  156. Open Design...
  157. New Design
  158. Save Design
  159. Save Design As...
  160. Revert to Saved
  161. Test Mode On
  162. Create Database...
  163. Open Database...
  164. Change Database...
  165. Close
  166. Paste
  167. Delete
  168. Select All
  169. Unselect All
  170. Format
  171. [13@]
  172. Font Panel...
  173. Italic
  174.     Underline
  175. Larger
  176. Smaller
  177. Heavier
  178. Lighter
  179. Superscript
  180.     Subscript
  181. Unscript
  182.     Copy Font
  183. Paste Font
  184. Align Left
  185. Center
  186. Align Right
  187. Layout
  188. Bring to Front 
  189. Send to Back
  190. Group
  191. Ungroup
  192. Unlock
  193. GridPanel...
  194. Set Grid On
  195.     Show Grid
  196. Size to Grid
  197. Align to Grid
  198. Page Layout...
  199. Tools
  200. Palette...
  201. Inspector...
  202.     Colors...
  203. Print...
  204. Windows
  205. Arrange in Front
  206. Miniaturize Window
  207. Close Window
  208. StringTable
  209. NXStringTable
  210. TimeBetweenValues
  211. 7The value in "%s" must be a time between "%s" and "%s".
  212. DDMMYY
  213. DD MM YY
  214. YYMMDD
  215. YY MM DD
  216. ShowGrid
  217. Ignore
  218. CanNotLoadImage
  219. Unable to open image file "%s"!
  220. ReviewUnsaved
  221. Review Unsaved
  222. CodeWord
  223. Key Word
  224. MMDDYY
  225. MM DD YY
  226. Popup
  227. NumberSign
  228. CreateDatabase
  229. Create Database
  230. YYYYMM
  231. YYYY MM
  232. MMYYYY
  233. MM YYYY
  234. CanNotLoadNibFile
  235. 6Unable to load Nib file "%s"!
  236. VarioBuilder terminates!
  237. SetBuildOff
  238. Test Mode Off
  239. RichText
  240. RTF text
  241.     SetGridOn
  242. WrongTimeValue
  243. #The time in "%s" must be like:
  244. WrongInputValue
  245. Wrong Input
  246. EnglishNumberWithDots
  247. 1,234.56
  248. CanNotSaveDBFile
  249. $Unable to save database layout
  250. "%s"!
  251. AccessFailed
  252. Access Failed
  253. GermanNumber
  254. 1234,56
  255. CanNotChangeDatabase
  256. $The database "%s" cannot be changed!
  257.     DoNotSave
  258. Don't Save
  259. Untitled
  260. ReadOnly
  262. Popup2
  263. Popup 2
  264. DataInDbDidLost
  265. \This change will remove the data belonging to the selected objects out of the database "%s".
  266. DateSign
  267. Revert
  268. CanNotOpenVarioDataDB
  269. ~VarioBuilder cannot load database "%s".
  270. Please select VarioData.app as the default application for the extension "variodata" !
  271. ChangeDatabase
  272. Change Database
  274. DD MM YYYY
  275.     Hours1-12
  276. 1 - 12
  277. NoRegister
  278. Not registered
  279. SetBuildOn
  280. CanNotCreateDatabase
  281. Unable to create database
  282. "%s"!
  283.     ShortName
  284. Short Name
  285. Title
  286. PowerOff
  287. Log Out or Power Off
  288. ValueHaveToFilled
  289. The field "%s" must be filled.
  290. Hours1-12AM
  291.     1 - 12 am
  292.     HideMenus
  293. Hide Menus
  294. NoDay
  295. No Day
  296. DateFormat
  297. TitleChanged
  298. Changed Title 
  299. YY MM
  300. Import
  301. GermanNumberWithDots
  302. 1.234,56
  303.     Hours0-23
  304. 0 - 23
  305. Register
  306. Registered
  307. FatalError
  308. Fatal Error
  309. WrongDateValue
  310. #The date in "%s" must be like:
  311. NumberBetweenValues
  312. 9The value in "%s" must be a number between "%s" and "%s".
  313. TitleNotAccepted
  314. Not a valid Title! 
  315. SetGridOff
  316. Set Grid Off
  317. MM YY
  318.     ShowMenus
  319. Show Menus
  320. NoSelection
  321. No records selected
  323. MM DD YYYY
  325. YYYY MM DD
  326. DBfileIsLocked
  327. Database is locked!
  328. Cancel
  329. DBfileLocking
  330. Database locking
  331. CanNotLoadDBFile
  332. $Unable to open database layout
  333. "%s"!
  334. Export
  335. QuitAnyway
  336. Quit Anyway
  337. RevertToSavedData
  338. &Are you sure you want to undo changes?
  339. TitleAlreadyInUse
  340. !The title "%s" is already in use!
  341. DBfileChange
  342. File "%s" has changed. Save?
  343. UnsavedFiles
  344. There are edited windows.
  345. Number
  346. Archiv
  347. DateBetweenValues
  348. 7The value in "%s" must be a date between "%s" and "%s".
  349. HideGrid
  350.     Hide Grid
  351. DataInDbCanLost
  352. Do you really want to change the database "%s". You could loose data.
  353. Please check that nobody has opened the database in VarioData at this moment, or you will loose data for sure!
  354. EnglishNumber
  355. 1234.56
  356. Summary
  357. Font Manager
  358. FontManager
  359. Access
  360. WindowTemplate
  361. iiii***@s@
  362. Panel
  363.     TextField
  364. TextFieldCell
  365. Others
  366. Write
  367. NXImage
  368. Haken
  369.  File Access
  370. Helvetica-Bold
  371. NXreturnSign
  372. Button
  373. Field2
  374. Field
  375. Field1
  376. Field3
  377. Button1
  378. Button2
  379. Button3
  380. {i*@@@}
  381. [64{i*@@@}]
  382. copy:
  383. paste:
  384. selectAll:
  385.     stringSet
  386. arrangeInFront:_
  387. close:
  388. alignSelLeft:
  389. alignSelCenter:
  390. alignSelRight: 
  391. orderFrontFontPanel:
  392. modifyFontTrait:
  393. modifyFont:
  394. superscript:
  395. subscript:
  396.     unscript:
  397.     copyFont:
  398. pasteFont:
  399. underline:
  400. delete:
  401. unselectAll:
  402. save:
  403. saveAs:
  404. revertToSave:
  405. showInspector:R
  406. showPalette:P
  407. setBuildOn:
  408. openWorkbench:
  409. newWorkbench:
  410. orderFrontColorPanel:T
  411. hide:f
  412. terminate:h
  413. printWindow:W
  414. performClose:c
  415. performMiniaturize:a
  416. showInfoPanel:
  417. createDatabase:
  418. showHelpPanel:
  419. showPreferences:
  420. savePanelAccessory
  421. setUserRights:
  422. runPageLayout:G
  423. bringToFront:)
  424. sendToBack:+
  425. group:-
  426. ungroup:/
  427. sizeToGrid:B
  428. alignToGrid:D
  429. showGridPanel:<
  430. setGridOn:>
  431.     showGrid:@
  432. changeDatabase:
  433. openDatabase:
  434. accessTextField
  435. changeDBPanel
  436. pressChangeDBOK:
  437. pressChangeDBCancel:
  438. lock:1
  439. unlock:3